Conor dressed for fun!
Nettle and Hazel. Nettle was just a few days away from being shipped out for "processing" when we rescued her. She seems pretty happy on Peaceacre Farm!

Conor and Scout admiring the garden under new-fallen snow. Straw bales add extra insulation for the hen house in winter. In the summer, the bales go straight to the garden as mulch. A win-win!

Chris builds the hoop houses
Swish Chard and turnips growing under hoop houses. This picture was taken in the dead of winter.
Turnips held all winter in the ground under hoop houses. Roasted with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, the flavor is extraordinary. They are now Chris's favorite, and he never liked turnips before tasting these. Wintering over considerably improved the flavor.
Chris built this cold frame using scrap wood, greenhouse plastic and four storm windows we picked up at a yard sale for a few bucks. We added solar collectors (a fancy way of saying plastic water jugs filled with water and spray painted black) to hold in the heat. We also insulated the coldframe with wool.

Conor in the kitchen getting ready to pass out dog cookies
Mr. Creek

The shed in summer, with hollyhocks blooming

Fresh Produce

Handmade soap
Two views of the woods. Although our property is one acre, it adjoins public woods with a large lake. This is the most important classroom I have in home schooling Conor.

After we put this tour together, we realized that we have very few pictures of the vegetable gardens, herb gardens, habitats we've created, etc., so check back. We'll expand the tour as more pictures become available!